Record Snow In California Sierras

I keep track of the snowfall in California, it’s been a “Hobby” for some time. I’ve analyzed the snowfall patterns, and the drought patterns, and so on, rather extensively. Here are some analyses.

As of today, March 29, 2023, this has been the snowiest year ever recorded at Mammoth Mountain Ski Area since 1969, with 695″ (almost 58 FEET of snow!) of recorded snowfall for the season.

And about two weeks ago…

As of March 16, 2023 Mammoth Mountain in the Central Sierras in CA had recorded the 2nd snowiest year – EVER! All 5 of the SNOWIEST years ever recorded have been since the year 2000. Only twice before had there ever been recorded over 500″ of snow in a single year, and now they have 618″ (51.5 FEET!!!) of snow this year!

Don’t believe the LIES that there’s a “Perennial drought” or that “Climate Change is going to kill us all!” It’s all bunk, designed to scare people. Scared people do what you tell them to do, they are like scared sheep. Thinking people search out answers, and find TRUTH!

And just barely a week before that!

Mammoth, as of this morning, has had its 5th snowiest year – ever recorded with 569″ (over 47 ft) of snow. All 5 of the snowiest years at Mammoth have been since the year 2000. If the current storm continues and dumps another 8 or so inches of snow, then this will be the 3rd snowiest year on record.

I saw a report yesterday showing that most of the major reservoirs in CA are dumping water to prevent getting to dangerous water levels (endangering the dam structure). Many of the dams are actually not for water storage but for flood control. So, they are basically failing their missions already.

Major storms in Dec., last year saw the state of California sending nearly 97% of the water from those storms directly back into the ocean.

For a state that is in a “Perennial drought” (over 20 years folks), they sure do one LOUSY JOB OF STORING WATER AND MANAGING THE KEY RESOURCE GIVEN THEM TO WORK WITH – the snow in the Sierras. Snow pack in Mammoth alone, since the year 2000, is nearly 20% higher than in the years prior to 2000.

So how in the heck can they be in a drought all this time, killing off agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley, forcing homeowners to take RIDICULOUS steps to conserve water and so on?

There’s only a single answer: BAD GOVERNMENT.

You may not want to hear it, but there it is. Those fools in Sacramento are more interested in controlling your lives, what you do, than in planning and strategizing natural resources to SUPPORT WHAT YOU DO.

How has Sacramento “Controlled” the lives of its citizens? First, they terrorize folks with global warming, saying basically “We’re all gonna DIE!” Then, they try to force everyone to adopt solar and Electric Vehicles, which are both immature technology at best right now. Even before that, over 10 years ago, in the “Middle” of the so-called drought, they terrorized farmers in the Central Valley (the San Joaquin Valley) of California, and forced them to stop pumping water out of wells to water their trees and crops.

The result? MILLIONS of dead trees, and MILLIONS of fallow (unplanted, unused) acres of cropland. Loss of income for tens of thousands of people, waste, fraud and abuse of their legislative privileges up there. Rather than SOLVE the problem, or try to come up with solutions, they simply put farmers out of business, and forced them to sell their small farms so large “Corporate” farmers could buy up their land (cheap) and use it once in a while to make money, when there was abundant water anyhow.

My wife Cheryl and I drove through the south end of the San Joaquin Valley back around 2011 when Jerry Brown was still Governor, and there were signs (along with the dead trees and bare / empty land) thanking the Governor for cutting off their water. There was ALWAYS plenty of water in the Sacramento River, mind you, it’s just they used the excuse of a three inch fish called the “Delta Smelt” and CLAIMED it was “Endangered” so they could flush – get this – HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ACRE FEET OF GOOD WATER – down the river and into the ocean.

You must understand that California – by law – (whose law? Their own, of course), must flush HALF the water (at least) it receives down rivers in order to keep the rivers flowing, and presumably, keep the fish happy. This is all contrary to the VERY PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT – which is to SERVE THE PEOPLE (and not tell the people what to do or what NOT to do!).

So there it is again, bad government. Government by the elite, for the environment and not for people, because THEY KNOW BETTER! At least they think they do. They have forgotten why they were elected to my mind. They have also forgotten WHO elected them. People in the cities are forced to adopt “Water Restrictions” and to water their gardens less, and use less water in their homes and all such nonsense.

Case in point. We sold my mother’s house in 2015 and the place was going to be demolished, nobody was ever to live in it again. The STATE, forced us to replace all three toilets in the home before selling, because you can’t sell a home without “LOW FLOW” toilets. Thus, it cost over $1,000 to replace THREE TOILETS that were NEVER TO BE USED!

Madness. Simply madness.

This has been a PSA from nobody to nowhere. Nobody listens anyway.

According to KCRA 3 in Sacramento, this is now the 5th Snowiest year recorded, since recordings began at a station in Central Sierra (not Mammoth) in 1879.

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